Individual Client Program 1 - more on yoga
3 month enrollment : $850
Month 1 : 4 meetings discovering yoga asana.
Month 2 : 4 meetings discovering restorative yoga, Therapeutic yoga, & Yin yoga.
Month 3 : 4 meetings discovering meditation energy body, and personal introspection.
Enrollment in this program comes with a new client kit which includes a yoga block, yoga strap, a yoga mat bag with logo. Enrollment for this program begins when the student is ready and committed; commitment is key with enrollment programs. all programs must be completed in the time allotted (3 months). Any meetings that need to be made up can be done so in the following week, or before the final end date established during the intro meeting.
Book an Intro Meeting first to be sure this is a right fit for your journey at this time. Do read through the Scheduling page for booking an appointment.
Individual Client Program 2 - A little more yoga
6 month enrollment : $1700
Month 1 : 4 meetings discovering yoga asana.
Month 2 : 4 meetings discovering restorative yoga, Therapeutic yoga, & Yin yoga.
Month 3 : 4 meetings discovering hot yoga style, Ashtanga style, and Iyengar style.
Month 4 : 4 meetings discovering meditation, the energy body, and personal introspection.
Month 5 : 4 meetings digging into the 8 limbed path of yoga and how that relates to self.
Month 6 : 4 meetings relaxing for your own personalized yoga classes.
Enrollment in this program comes with a new client kit which includes a yoga block, yoga strap, a yoga mat bag with logo. Enrollment for this program begins when the student is ready and committed; commitment is key with enrollment programs. all programs must be completed in the time allotted (6 months). Any meetings that need to be made up can be done so in the following week, or before the final end date established during the intro meeting.
Book an Intro Meeting first to be sure this is a right fit for your journey at this time. Do read through the Scheduling page for booking an appointment.
Kosha Model Introspection program
8 month enrollment : $2500
*More information to come. Program roll out will be early 2020
Book an Intro Meeting first to be sure this is the right fit for your journey at this time. Do
read through the Scheduling page before requesting a meeting through email.