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A Dash of Shadow

The time of the Moon.

Deep (energy)-motions resonate from around the Multi-verse & our Moon. Pulling our golden strings; a mirror of our deepest selves residing in the dark of our heart cocoon.

A belly that gets fatter, reaching full weight in our

SK-eyes, this roll of heart-thunder builds & bounds, and stretches & knots our insides.

The sun shines it's peering light; Illumination makes it's move. The intermingling of the seer and the unseen; what a joy, what a horror, what a dream.

In fact, some parts of our emotional depth, may remain hidden/trapped just under Her breath.

Perhaps, never to utter-out-loud it's unmanageable growl, -or it's manifestion would be devastation on the prowl.

Perhaps, the very act of us keeping it at bay is what keeps the balance of the days.

If we all were to empty our-selves into this reality, would it be just too catostrophic, too mean; a calamity?

Perhaps, that's part of what we are doing right now?

An interesting thing happens when this does, however; The Unyeilding Balance of delicate and intricate proportions; The Grand Design, maintains what We, as human children cannot all the time, Equilibrium Divine.

When we sway, a stirring calls. It speaks gently then louder, and asks us to walk Their halls; It wants to show you Illumination; "look up, look in". -If it's 'He' or 'She' or 'NRG' that calls, release, relax, and learn to lean in.

Light & Illumination, help us see inside; uncover the fear, uncover the pride.

She'll give you a taste of Grandmothers Medicine, close up but in-real-life, though. -Not much of a sugared pill when Illuminating the Dark Night, and so...

Eat the glow of the milky blue Moon & discover a Dash of Shadow;

Rest easy human, you will make it through.

Keep pushing, keep loving, and continue choosing the Highest You.


1 & 1

-Forever Unfinished.


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Studio Address

2101 Rosedale Terrace

Dothan, AL, 36303 USA


    (334) 790-6433


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