No one flag of any color,
could help me understand
what only perspective,
and the ever changing world could.
To starve among food; petrified wood.
Watching with an aching in my belly, but overfed
By the noise, lights, and some fucker's bed.
Theres a fog in my mind with no events stacking up to make the story I’m living, right.
Missed Alignment, lost assignment.
Begging for the end of loners road, to have a peek at what’s been stole.
-Make amends and reach my goals.
Still searching for the Golden Road.
Find A Star in a lantern
that was sent from me,
from out in space too far away to see.
It’s getting clearer now, I believe.
you made me, and I made you, the way you are, and I remade me. Personal Responsibility.
The loops keep you hungry; they say,
don’t let go.
Push the red button you’re going to fucking GLOW.
The road begins, it beckons near, the tummy is filling there is nothing to fear.
The ache recedes, replaced with passion, drive & lust; full gear.
Nothing stands in her way; she bleeds, she belongs here.
It’s time to get LIFE! -the belly whispers.
~ & no matter the stories end,
the brow’s golden glow, always meets the Golden Road.