What of those who follow the rules, what of those who don’t? Does one act more docile or hyper-vigilant if they have or haven’t experienced a certain type of trauma? Do the docile find hyper-vigilant folks, Mad! -Do to an uncanny ability to see negativity brimming in the unlikeliest places & the need to act on it? Do the Mad have no tolerance for those who would rather ignore the pain of things, follow the crowd, & go along to get along, and see them as Meek?
What's our beef, and are we too damned different to come together?
On The Mad,
The beauty in madness is awareness.. perhaps to a degree that frightens the other, the docile, the compliant, The Meek, the logical, the reasonable. -Whoever they are? Are some of them a little Mad, as well, just hiding under the guise of stability, really adept at blending in? The Mad will seek to rectify and see EVERYTHING they can. Good and bad; but a good amount of bad, driving the others crazy.
There are The Mad, for the sake of being mad, and The Mad for the sake of transforming this place for the better. The intent driving a Mad person, in the end, directs the path of change. But not so cut and dry as often it’s the response of The Meek, to The Mad, which provides an outcome that is collectively felt.
We find a crux between ourselves, Mad & Meek, in this current world; one unable to understand the other.
On The Meek;
Easily seeing happiness, calmness, reasonability, and acquiescence, makes for a great everyday flow. The darker side is a trauma that causes disassociation and the avoidance of painful things. Because there is little time spent in the "what can go wrong" or traversing the mind-scape for possible negative outcomes, -what can be done to you? Where then, can you be led… how far will you go before you realize a path was followed that was leading you to a bad place but preferred not to look until it was too late?
Where do The Meek find themselves then?
Right in the same camp as The Mad, traumatized soul that warned you of the impending danger.
Should we find that we might need each other?
-Picking up what the other lacks.
Strange that someone Meek could learn from someone Mad, and that The Mad could possibly have the ability to be ‘quarantined’ by The Meek.
Somehow we can find a way to want each other, to need each other, and give credit where credit is due. If We, Mad, and We, Meek combine to progress, -the wonders we might find within the balance of, “please, see the hurt in this world and the capability of evil” and the other to say “YES, and…”
-So that The Mad don’t go too far.
Openness is the way. Prejudice & not feeling heard gets IN THE WAY.
The dance behind the scenes is not fully known to us here, but still, we must surrender and acquiesce to the grand symphony charging us all with an instrument, then asks us to play. Are you Mad or Meek? A touch of both?
*Written to Itzhak Perlmans rendition of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto