I AM just a body on a journey into the Sself, attempting at first to ease suffering; suffering from traumatic circumstances and painful archetypes that once kept me safe and now gird me from trusting the world, and myself. It still does ease suffering, deploying a new technique for transforming pain, but learning to understand the suffering is also a kind of labor, and being Aware of it constantly provides it’s own challenges. So, the game of seeking is no longer just about avoiding suffering since that is futile, it’s now integration and radical Sself-acceptance (big ‘S‘ higher self, little ’s’ ego) that underscore the great work of being authentic and aligning with our truest nature. A game of balance, awareness, discernment, acceptance or surrender. The journey is one of learning your Inner Warrior who will stand up for you, set boundaries for you, and help your feet move forward or know when to settle, and attempting to balance this with the other sides of you. As a sensitive, the road can be superbly rocky and the spirals of time & action are very apparent as they go, and come around again, making sure each time your integration of lessons-learnt is deepen’d. This road asks of us to become our own compass, and to trust our intuition; it is best understood alone, but with people! We live in a state of polar opposites and so, in each moment we are making choices of one over the other or, “both, and...”. The voice of discernment, needed to distinguish between what it feels like to balance dichotomies such as “alone with people”, speaks softly; it can be hard to know which voice is guiding your decisions. What is it to be alone with people, what could the journey look like? The job then becomes finding out what it means to listen, and how to trust the voice of guidance you are called to. We wander into the realm of supporting modalities, classes, self-help & self-healing journeys, and peruse or deep dive into schools of thought, all in the attempt to come back to a remembering of who we are, to open the door to Inner Knowledge; understanding its language in the best way we can; symbolically, religiously, and spiritually.
Whatever you subscribe to that gets you to a place of stillness within to operate this realm from. It’s where the language of the guide becomes clear.
Personal rituals are intimate expressions of how you feel, and connect with the higher, subtler energies, whether that’s a God/Source figure, or the Sky, and Fire, Deities, or Messiahs etc.. Rituals are, and can be filled with anything you like. They can help you to merge mind with body so that you may care for the relationship correctly. They help you align to purpose, and give rise to clarity on your path. It’s in this space or session where you are learning to speak the language of what makes us up, and it truly doesn’t matter what name you call it, except what you want to call it. You’re recalling that your energy is part of it, and that you may also receive more energy & clarity from it. You strengthen your gifts, receive journey guidance, and find where Peace lives.
There truly is something you’re 'receiving from' with your electro-magnetic body. Name it as you wish, but what is undeniable is you earn great insights from listening and doing the work that your Inner Knowledge imparted; somethings that may have stung, as well but, later, lessons will be understood. You have aligned yourself to something rife with meaning and events are created by your longing, meaning making, and alignment. In The Body, you are opening up lines of energy that spark new life lying within you & your cells & beyond. You can begin to imagine the possibilities of this for a great deal of time. You detox the old stories and stored traumas by discharging unnecessary emotions from them.
“Digging in” is certainly a Heroe’s Journey in that, much of the work does bring tears and hard moments, things to integrate and things to let go of, or release emotion from; the loss is seemingly great at times. When you are constantly aware of wheels turning in the background it is just about impossible to ignore. You also have people around you, you love and care for, that you hope to tread more softly around when the chaotic energy emerges to be transformed. In this case being aware is a gift in that you are able to explain what’s happening, ask for space, and mitigate symptoms of the purge.
The Journey is worth it because you get better at ’It’, and this ‘life’ thing. Learning when and how to slow down, and when to speed back up to build & create things, to sharpen your awareness of Nature, and the nature of your inner world; If you don’t give up and go back to sleep. -Though sleeping gets more difficult as times goes on. There won’t be much that slips by your awareness within the space you've carved out, and when you lift your head to check out the world, you’ll see that for what it is too; A play and a dance of divine energies working themselves out, essentially. You will, however, lose some things for sure, seemingly less important than the work, like 'time', which seems to change and morph as you go, and keeping it can become more difficult. Attachments dissipate, and old stories become written on a page made of light rather than stone.
Finding balance is key, and Sself-acceptance is a helpful ally on the path.
Acceptance of Sself is one of the final nails in the boat for a sensitive that opens so many uncharted waters, that brings untold gifts if we should only surrender to the Unknown. Trust in the Sself, become worthy in deed, and be gentle with thoughts that bring you down the path of forgetting; send them on their way with transformative energy. Accept the path and yourself while uncovering it. You should not “let go, without being willing to receive. Keep the balance here so you do not risk nihilism, despair or an empty vessel ready and willing to bring just any old thoughts to settle into the space left by letting go. The journey is yours, it’s all of ours. Blessed is the path to knowing The Sself.
Stay True, Be You, Blessings on Reveling in & Revealing Your I Am.
Peace, Shante Ishta, -The Single Eye of the Heart.