Rather than say “No, I can’t have that.”, you say, ”to balance my blood sugar right now I’ll choose this instead.”
Balance isn’t necessarily good or bad, relatively speaking, and so we can use the language of balance to describe what is truly going on behind the scenes; behind our choices and their consequences. It is a symphony! -with a ballet of balancing acts going on continuously, completing its work as efficiently as possible.
Life & health is about balancing the energy of our physical efforts and remaining in touch with how much it costs you to be out of balance.
Nature takes a cost.
Zero point is the optimal place to be -in the eye of the needle; balanced. It keeps this body going like a battery and you fuel it by being in alignment with the physical body the way it was designed WITH Nature and the Natural World. It begins with the BODY and MOVEMENT beacuse that’s how we can start to feel what the body needs to be BALANCED, which helps you with the rest; food, water, sleep, hormones, minerals, and ANY other consumables.
Though, it was thought that brought us here, we now have a moving train we call life. We have to reckon this fact; we aren’t at the beginning plane of clean thought and so, thinking our way out and mentally preparing for too long won’t get us there. And, if you’re having a time getting a handle on your thoughts and you have “monkey mind” MOVE YOUR F-ANCY BODY IN SOME WAY, ANYTIME, ALL THE TIME, WHENEVER YOU CAN. -think, little kid in kindergarten class, or while they’re eating, or anything else for that matter!
That’s the space you find the body‘s balance in order for your mind to follow suit and organize itself more efficiently. With corrected thinking you get You, to your highest most impressive mountain.
*Go see the Sunrise and raise your arms as high as they’ll go if that’s ALL you can start with.
When attempting discipline or allowance on the terrain of the trauma exposed mind, a person may tread carefully because maybe you know what allowance and restriction feels like to you, and what old patterns this might cause a resurfacing of. An overlay program of looking at the world and your everyday decisions in terms of balance may feel a whole heck of a lot more free while still practicing discipline.
+easing up on & giving a positive role to your own inner critic really makes a huge difference towards perspective shifting.
No matter where you are in meeting yourself, in terms of the 3D plane, there will always be a tendency toward balance or imbalance. Perhaps with implementing the balance ideation, and SEEING restriction and allowance differently, the harder choices can be made a little more gently with less resistance.
As for myself, I’ll engage that thinking and see, feel, & express all that can be born from it. Perhaps it’ll be the ticket or it will fizzle out and become something else that works better or worse.
-and life goes on… ladadidadidee.