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How Do You Find Contentment?

Writer's picture: IAM.YogaIAM.Yoga

Remember the times you are happy? How does everything feel? Maybe we can feel accomplished, abundant, peaceful, and perhaps content, as if there is no current desire pervading our reality and we can be complete. We can understand the connection between happiness and contentment, and it seems so close and so far from us at different times in our life. We can seem to be happy in some spaces but not super content, and seemingly content but not particularly happy. First part is changing what the definition of happy is. Does happy have to feel as though you are filled with abundance and gratitude, like a delirious bubble of joy? Maybe not? Maybe it can just be a calm feeling that most have not quite felt before. A state of non-wanting. This will not last long however, because we all know we are on this earth to grow, to expand and no matter what we try to fill the void of desire with there can always be more to desire. Now, the side of desire that causes us pain instead of abundance is when we can not be fulfilled because our desire creates expectations within us and then we may try to deny those expectations or focus on what we don't want thinking that it will stay away from us. Enter: the idea that where our thought goes, intention flows and the more you have in your mind about what you don't want the more it will show up for you. This in turn brings us more of that malcontent and we begin to feel like the world-Universe-God, is all against us or we have done something wrong to be punished. Even using ideas like karma to justify why we are being punished, or why someone else is. what it ultimately comes down to is your dispositions on your situations, and how hard we fight (let go of) to be happy. You see, desire is natural and correct, but our hiding and denying of the expectations for our life creates a void. To be content with desire and ourselves and the situations we get into, we want to be really present with our emotions about a particular situation; even the perceived negative ones. Allow expectation to be at the forefront and then you can decide from their if it serves you or if that expectation or desire is serving your shadow side, the insecurities or fears rather than coming from self-love.

But, being happy isn't just our outer circumstances, -and we know this on many levels. Yet, we still allow circumstances to take hold, and we allow our minds to attach to every small detail, hoping to control it on some level and design the way we think we need to live. This activation in the mind can be seen as drive and motivation, and sometimes it absolutely is what is needed for survival but, what happens when it takes over and becomes something not so effective? That is about the time we start looking for change and seek out a way to connect or find happiness through things. We forget to look for the inner self, to forgive it, to love it, and to honor the light and dark of it. In the past we may have said I'll be happy when... and choose to find contentment in things outside of ourselves like, people and material items. This does end up being a symptom in many of our lives of the seemingly incurable stresses, despite the struggle to maintain.

The underlying truth of it all comes in the connection to self, and making that ‘self’ happy from the inside out. When we discover the secret to finding peace within, even in the worst times we can always come back to an Equanimeous mind that accepts the perceived good and bad and sees the silver lining. faithful in your own ability to handle what comes your way. Each circumstance is tied to the next in a way that your best interest is in mind. This can be a long and arduous road often times but, the struggles pay the dividends.

Know that you are enough. That what needs to get done will get done, and each thing happens for a reason. So trust in yourself, the people close to you, and your ability to adapt, overcome, and do yoga! Life is the unstoppable train so, jump on with your britches in hand, chin held high, and heart strong. There is nothing that you can't conquer and grow from, leaving you with seeds of happiness. Help them grow and nurture that side of yourself. Contentment is always a friend that shows up when the conditions are right.

May 28, 2016 2:06 pm

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